On a man’s 50th birthday
he got his biggest wish—
he became a northern rocky mountain
wolf, and lived in bliss.
The wolf was suicidal
when living as a man.
When living as a wolf, he said
“I’ll do all that I can
to live my newborn 7 years
(9 if in captivity)
with none of my residual
human impassivity.”
He curled up in the sunlight
that came through the evergreens,
he found a wolf to call his own,
his northern rocky queen.
They hunted and there was no thought
of moral right or wrong,
with bellies full of elk meat
he’d sing resounding songs.
He’d scare away deforesters
and teenage cans of beer.
Had they the nerve to stick around,
he’d stalk them like a deer.
And when his days were up
according to our Jesus,
he walked into the headlights
of a 2014 Prius.
His knowledge of what cars were
ran dry with human blood,
and as the brake lights flash too late,
and as he feels the crushing weight,
and as his body abdicates,
he knows that he was good.